Google Arts & Culture

If you need a sizable helping of arts and culture, please visit your nearby museum or gallery. If you need to know where to go, or just a glimpse, then visit Google Arts & Culture app. This nifty little app has evolved since the last time I checked it. It gathers the art listings in your area, so you can figure out where to go. Additionally, it has lots of other content that will keep your mind active. For instance, take a selfie to learn which historical figurative character you look like; unfortunately, I resemble the old man from Portrait of an Old Man by Rembrandt (time to see a surgeon...). You can virtually wander through galleries (do it in VR), project famous art on your walls, and even convert your selfies into recognizable artist's styles. Google seems very focused on providing developers space and resources to develop Experiments at the intersection of culture and technology. So much to do at home on your computer before a full-fledged return to normalcy.