
Everyone seems to have a different method for keeping notes. It typically is determined by your age. The options include but are not limited to laptop (Gen Z), iPad (Millenials and hip Gen X), iPhone, or even the classic notebook (ok Boomers). Recently I discovered the magic of the RocketBook (thanks to fellow Louper Brett V). This ingenious notebook is a hybrid of all the above. It allows you to take notes with an (erasable) pen. Then you quickly scan the page with an app that not only makes a picture but also converts it to text; unfortunately (or fortunately), I am the son of a doctor and have terrible penmanship! You can easily route the notes to your favorite app, including Evernote, Slack, email, message, or really anywhere. Even better (for you environmentalists like me), this is a sustainable notebook. You can erase the notes quickly on a whim, and you're onto your next meeting! RocketBook allows you to perform at your age while fully utilizing your new technology.