UpMyArt (UMA)

Have you ever wanted to live with a Cindy Sherman, but didn't have the resources or access? Well now you can! UpMyArt is a peer-to-peer marketplace for fine art rental, the first of its kind. The goal of this platform is to make art more available and impactful through sharing. It seems many (most?) collectors have more art than they can display and appreciate; yet, they don't want to sell it. There are many important pieces that have been purchased at auction or in galleries and are never to be seen by the Owner, let alone the public at large. There is also a significant amount of fine art owned by artists and institutions who could use a living wage or supplemental income provided by renting out the art. Likewise, many people appreciate fine art, but either don't have access to it or don't want to own it for some reason. UMA hopes to be a platform that makes it easy for Lenders and Borrowers to come together and better utilize the asset.