Nike + Netflix = Nike Training Club

The perfect gym business model is to open a new gym on January 1st, charge $50 for the year, and close the gym on February 1st so the customers can say (with a straight face) that they would work out, but their gym closed! This is far preferable to canceling Membership or outright lying to oneself!

The holy grail of being in shape is working out consistently. However, to do so, you not only have to be motivated, but you also have to be interested. How quickly do you get bored of the same routine, the same trainer, or running in place on a treadmill? These activities seem great initially, especially in the New Year, but you quickly get bored. I have always been looking for upbeat content and a good workout with plenty of variety. I frequently do Peloton workouts through my AppleTV app, but they don't have great aerobic activities outside of cycling and running. YouTube is a mess. Therefore I was excited to see the new collaboration between Nike (the pinnacle of high-performance athletes) and Netflix (the height of low-performance athletes/couch potatoes). A variety of workout routines are meant for all types of athletes and will keep you motivated and interested for the foreseeable future. Yeah!