
Bokksu Box

Speaking of travel, one of my favorite places to visit is Japan. There is something unique about Japan, particularly in terms of its food. I am not sure why, but food producers in Japan offer more creativity with flavor profiles. Take Kit Kat, for example; in the US, there are generally the Original chocolate and white chocolate (newer entrant), whereas, in Japan, they have a ton of variety, including matcha, strawberry, raspberry, malty caramel, sakura, and much, much more. I love the variety of the snacks, and with a Bolksu subscription, you can get a random assortment of these snacks every month. They will delight your palette, stimulate your curiosity, and leave you craving for next month's next box. The monthly Bokksu brings Japan to your front door! You can even order more from the site if you like any of the snacks in the box, which you inevitably will. You have to see it to believe it.

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