Reverse Charades

Reverse Charades

If you have the time, attention, and stamina, then this is another great family game.

This may be too aggressive, but dinner, dessert and then family game night???!!! If you have the time, attention, and stamina then this is another great family game. There is also an app version in case you’re purely digital or extremely space constrained. I think the best motivation for playing the game well is the winner decides which ice cream flavor to make! In reverse charades, you split into teams of three or more and the team acts out the words together (hopefully in a coordinated fashion) while the remaining team member tries to guess as many as they can. This is a blast for all ages and provides endless hours of laughs. Ey, and laughing is good for the soul. Spend more time at home with your friends/family and consider Reverse Charades Found!