
Besides eating more healthy and exercising, your body may need a bit more. A perfect way to fill in the gaps and give you a boost are vitamins. But where do you start? There is so much misinformation (fake news) in the vitamin department that it is hard to trust anything or anyone. The last vitamin I took was a Flintstones Multivitamin when I was a lad. Either way, TakeCareOf is using innovative research to personalize a vitamin regimen for just you. When you register, the program asks you a series of questions about you and your health priorities. From this online interview, they establish a regimen of vitamins curated for you and your needs. My daily regimen is Vitamin C (The Citrus Savior), a Probiotic Blend (The Harmonious Gut), and Astaxanthin (The Coral King). They send a monthly supply of 30 individual packets with your pills .. the packet even has your name on it! You can also supplement their recommendations with your own vitamins of choice that they will add to your daily pack. There is no need to think about it ... just rip open your daily package, gulp some water, and you are on your way to being a healthier version of you!